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Face2Face Programs

All Face2Face Programs & Services are Free of Charge

Our Goal

The goal of the program is to reach teens and their families in the earliest stages of experimentation in order to alter their decision making so that substance abuse treatment is not necessary in their future.

Face2Face is a proactive, educational program that partners with schools and communities across Western New York. The program was piloted in 2008 as a response to the growing adolescent substance abuse epidemic.

Beginning with six schools in the first year, the Face2Face program now reaches every community in Western New York and provides educational programs for:
  • students
  • parents
  • educators
  • medical professionals
  • companies / businesses
  • community groups

Presentations for young people focus on the dangers and consequences of substance use and addiction. Programs for adults discuss the ever-changing signs, symptoms and trends of substance use and abuse.
The response to this message from all audiences has been profoundly positive. Overwhelmingly, it is reported that the Face2Face program has dramatically changed their perceptions and knowledge regarding alcohol and/or drug experimentation.

Program Components

Youth Services

Early Intervention

Students identified as being "at risk" by educators, parents, or doctors are provided with an opportunity for a private, one time session on the Kids Escaping Drugs Campus with their parent(s), a counselor, and peers in recovery. Parents are provided with educational materials, and referrals to treatment services are made as necessary.


Elementary Programs


Face2Face Back2Basics collaborates with already established programs to begin the conversation about making good decisions, encouraging alternative problem solving, and peer-pressure. Through age appropriate, engaging activities such as art, music and other dynamic exercises, the class will have themes to learn about bullying, self-esteem and resistance skills to help navigate challenging situations.


Youth Presentations

Peer2Peer Program

Young people in recovery share their personal stories of addiction to demonstrate the real life dangers and consequences of their decisions to experiment and abuse drugs and alcohol. Presentations are age appropriate for students in grades 7-12, and can be given in a classroom or auditorium setting.


Youth Vaping

Face2Face Youth Vaping presentation is a dynamic and informative program implemented to address the grown epidemic of vaping among teens.


Adult Education

In the Workplace

Establishes a convenient and stigma proof way to educate parents and concerned community members about the trends and consequences of adolescent substance use and addiction. Our proactive panels include an addiction counselor as well as a relatable parent and/or adolescent in recovery (when available) to deliver this strong message. Additionally this program provides information about treatment resources available in the WNY community.


The Dark Side of Social Media

The Dark Side of Social Media Presentation provides adult audiences an in depth look at current popular social media trends and how they can escalate substance use and abuse among adolescents.


Adult Vaping

As a result of the vaping epidemic among teens, Face2Face has developed dynamic and informative program for adults (educators or parents) audiences.



A factual presentation about the ever-changing signs, symptoms, and trends of adolescent substance abuse is provided. Parents who have children who struggled with addiction also share their experiences. They discuss warning signs they either missed, or disregarded at the time their child was using. These presentations are most effective at programs that are well attended events such as mandatory programs, orientations, or open houses. Programs are available for parents of students at any age.


This program would not be possible without the generous support of our Face2Face program sponsors.
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