Jesse loved to dance, shake his butt, and sing. He was a HUGE Britney Spears fan and made sure everyone knew it. He loved watching re-runs of the Golden Girls. He was himself, no matter where he went. He was proud of the person he was. He was loud and flamboyant and didn’t care who it may offend. That was Jesse. Just a big ball of light, extreme energy and just a child-like energy about him, he made everyone laugh. You couldn’t be in a bad mood around Jesse. Our mutual friends know he would have a list of things for us to do throughout the day and he always made sure we were on schedule... even down to the subway and when it was arriving. It was a great loss when he left this world.
I want readers to remember: Always be there for the ones you love. Always check in. Do not hold grudges because it may be the last time you speak to someone, you never know. I lost Jesse, my best friend and we had a stupid fight that now seems so insignificant. I dealt with so much guilt and grief, but I know he wouldn’t want me to live that way. I now lead with love in my heart.
~Simone Nieves, Jesse's Best Friend